Thursday 25 May 2006

Thursday 25th May 2006

6.55 - Chris is wearing shades and his hungover
7.00 - News and Sport 
7.05 - Chris ordered a pizza at midnight
7.20 - We met the coloured beard man and evil last night for X Factor and Dave filmed a piece for Chris
7.28 - Vernon, Scott and Chris showing his love through the catflap
7.30 - News and Sport and One Road Travel 
7.35 - Ring or text to register for Germany
7.48 - If you can't spell Germany you're too thick to come
7.50 - Celeb tarzan prizes and we've added Bands 06 album
7.59 - Jack Johnson album maybe a bit like Norah Jones and Dido. Dinner party music and we discuss dinner parties in general
8.00 - News and Sport 
8.05 - Celeb Tarzan wrongly guessed by Steph in Chester
8.18 - The line up for Bank Holiday Monday we announce Davina
8.25 - Old telly shows, and Scott Mills and Rachel and Mally's matching jumpers
8.30 - News and Sport and One Road Travel 
8.35 - Jade does the weather
8.48 - Rugby tickets giveaway and should girls do boxing and rugby
9.00 - TEDIOUS LINK - Public Enemy - Fight The Power
9.05 - Gunshots over Treasure Hunt
9.10 - Sex quiz with Camp Westwood and Chris and Dave get an ace pressie
9.25 - Aled's guess who - Orlando Bloom
9.30 - News and Sport and One Road Travel 
9.45 - Result of the rugby vote
9.50 - X Factor chat

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